Wednesday, December 9, 2015

When the world says NO, But God keeps telling you YES

With all this stuff going on in our world today, many lives being taken, many people losing jobs, a lot of dream chasers becoming discouraged, how do we bounce back from a world that keeps saying No. Every time we turn on our television, there is nothing positive, maybe a bit of humorous tv shows, or sports, but nothing to switch on the genius within our society. So, what do we do when the world says No, but God keeps telling us YES!  Follow God.  I have heard many times that my dreams can never manifest, that I was never good enough, diminishing my vision, but in my heart God kept telling me yes. I always had a deep belief in my talent and the vision I was given to fulfill on this earth, despite what was going on around me. The moment we as people begin to listen to that inner voice, the communication of the universal God, things become brighter, and your vision becomes clearer. Don't get me wrong, this is not an easy thing to do but when God says Yes, never say No.  We are all destined for greatness. We are all capable of reaching tremendous heights in life, but only those who "choose" to believe that truly succeed. I will leave you with this; In a world full of chaos and misery, there is still beauty, there is still peace, there is still joy, choose wisely with what you focus on. When the world says no, always choose God, YES!

Love & Guidance to all!