Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Disappointment into Drive!

Many times in life we go through certain setbacks and come up against the force of obstacles, sometimes our predicted outcome doesn't turn out the way we envisioned, at this point we are faced with disappointment.  Have you allowed this disappointment to slow you down? How has the disappointment effected your thought process and decision making? We have all been at this point in life, if we had to do somethings differently we probably would, but we are here now! I suggest turning your disappointments in drive.  Drive is the beginning of the end of disappointment.  Have  a reason as for why you can not quit, as to why you must continue to try, get up! Do not make minor setbacks hold you down and grow like a disease in the mind, release it, use the pain to push you to greatness. I have had numerous times on my journey where my back was against the wall, and things just did not go as planned, and I became lost, and yes allowed disappointment to overpower me at times, but the outcome was never positive, heck Im at that point now.  Today I will fight back, and push myself to overcome, the disappointment is never physical it is all mental.  You will lose, you will fail, you will fall to the ground, you will question your faith, but we have the option to step out the darkness and be the light!  Turn your disappointment into drive, God is good!

~AJ Gray

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


I Spoke to my cousin briefly on facebook, and she told me to continue doing what I am doing, because I am inspiring people, her being included.  Interesting, because sometimes I write my blogs and continue on my mission wondering if anybody is even reading or absorbing what I am trying to do, or if I am changing at least one mind in a positive way.  So for her to mention this inspired me and she probably doesn't even know it, because at the time although I say things are well and fine, I am also going through things in life like any other person on this planet. She is a mother of three, taking care of her kids, and herself all in one day one motion, I respect that as a man!  So just because my mission in life is to inspire people through my journey, its people like my cousin who truly inspire me, those are the real heroes, I do what I do for the next generation of kids, all my cousins, my nephew, my God children, my siblings, they all have a future ahead of them, I want them to believe they can become whomever they desire, I want that young kid who wants to become a professional footballer to look at me and instantly believe he/she can achieve it.  We all have a past, and make mistakes in life, but do not let these minor burdens hold you down, change is a reality, change is difficult, but it is so beautiful. Change, grow, and succeed!!!!!!!!!  Thank you Tameica Neverson for the inspirations today, this post is for you! God Bless.